Full info coming soon (maybe)
API Endpoint: https://api.willwadams.com/api
Current API Version: 0.24
Returns the daily wallpaper photo, randomly chosen from a collection on Unsplash, always landscape. Updates every day.
Endpoint: /api/photos/daily
Example response:
{ "author": { "name": "Mohammad Alizade", "url": "https://unsplash.com/@mohamadaz" }, "blurhash": "L87K@@-pIUM{BDNbsls:4mIoxuxa", "date": "2023-01-12", "description": "Look up", "url": "https://images.unsplash.com/photo-1502790671504-542ad42d5189?crop=entropy&cs=tinysrgb&fm=jpg&ixid=MnwzOTI0Mjl8MHwxfHJhbmRvbXx8fHx8fHx8fDE2NzM1NTkwNTU&ixlib=rb-4.0.3&q=80" }
- The daily photo may be force reshuffled by someone with the correct password, most likely if it is deemed not suitable.
- The returned description value is null if no description is provided on Unsplash.